Radiate Life Coaching
understanding your talents
In the 1990’s Gallup developed the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment as an objective measure of personal talent that could be administered online in less than one hour. The instrument identifies 34 themes of talent- areas where an individual’s greatest potential for building strengths exists. The Clifton StrengthsFinder report provides people with a list of their top five themes of talent.
As a nationally certified CoreClarity facilitator, I serve as an interpreter for the StrengthsFinder assessment. My goal in a session or workshop is to help my clients understand what their top 5 talents mean, how these talents work together in conjunction with each other, and how their talents are affecting the group dynamics. The whole process is very enlightening and encouraging for everyone involved.
Career Coaching
I meet with individuals in high school, college and young professionals for one-on-one coaching sessions and for Personal Discovery and Team Dynamics Workshops.
If you would like to learn more about identifying your top five talent themes and then learning how to apply them in relationships, work or ministry, then this might be a great option for you!
“Through the process of attending a CoreClarity Personal Discovery Workshop and then sitting down with Jill Felix, I not only received information about my talents - I was painted a picture of how these talents play out in my personal and business life. I was amazed to see how spot on this assessment was and the liberation that came with knowing why I act and react the way I do. This information has since opened a door of opportunity for me as I am working with business partners and exploring new projects to take on for my company.”